Friday, June 4, 2010

Where Is Suz Now?

I came home from Mayo to a husband who had a horrible respiratory infection that he had caught from his mom (who now has pneumonia). I was exhausted and, of course, got the same crud. It wouldn't be so bad but our art fair is tomorrow and Kat is in Mexico. I put the all call out to neighbor friends who are helping in all kinds of ways (except for making the jewelry!).

We are both at about seventy percent and are not running fevers anymore so, barring rain, the show will go on. We have had so many downpours on this first week of June and must work until the bitter end.

This year, if it pours, I go home!!!

Think of us and send good thoughts!



  1. ¡Que tiene suerte en la festival de artes... y que no lluvia!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear, it's an awful time of year to be sick. I hope you all are starting to feel better, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, have a restful weekend.

  3. Hooray for wonderful neighbors! Good luck getting the art fair. It is supposed to be sunny all weekend. Jonathon Yuhas wouldn't lie to us!!! :)

  4. hope the weather holds for you....i swear by the yogi brand of health teas...especially for respiratory son can't take OTC meds so we rely on the yogi tea...

  5. I can't believe you are still doing the show. Good luck and I hope you are better soon.

  6. I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly! I'm hoping the art show went well, and that you had great success!!!!
    I'm sitting with Amy Powers who is sending good wishes!!!!

  7. Suz,

    So sorry that you and hubby are under the weather! Hopefully your art show will go well and then you can take some time after and REST! We need you at 100% for Silver Bella!

    Hugs and healing thoughts,


  8. Oh sweet Suz,
    My goodness, when it rains it pours. Hugs to you and may this all end soon.
    Hope the show was successful : )

  9. Oh poor you! I read about the table sliding into the mud too-yikes! I hope your man recovers quickly!

    Sandy xox
