...a they say in England. Rather appropriate for today!
This is a wonderful goody box from my dear friend, Donna. Donna is my friend through thick and thin. For those who have been to Silver Bella, Donna is the one who uncomplainingly pushes me in the wheelchair so I can make it the whole weekend. We became dear friends in college, though we met each other at camp when we were teens. Donna has sent me two wonderful boxes of goodies since Jud has been sick. This one was a 'pick-me-up" box. The can on the left had a pick-up (the little pick-up inside was the most wonderful Werther's candy, not the usual, but a velvety chocolate. The next box had shrink charms created from the directions in Country Living. Boy, I can't wait to play with those. They are so cute. Then we have stress mints (needed; gone) and a sweet bear for when I need a "life saver." Teehee! Under it all is the most beautiful book about Optimism. All of the pictures are vintage and as wonderful as the one on the cover! Thank you, my dear!
This beautiful piece of paper art came from Becky Shander. She has been such a kind friend this year. One of the fine gifts of blogland. This piece actually appeared in a Somerset Studio publication. Becky's creations are often calm in feeling, made of simple materials and related to nature. This beautiful dress was machine-sewn on the sides and has a bird peeping out of the cage at the bottom. And she sent this lovely white feather as an extra treat. I love it. Becky, you are so generous.
This woman "gets" me. Colette Copeland of A Bird in the Hand sent the most incredibly sweet angel to hang. Her packaging was such fun. :ook at the sweet envelope with all the "love" and a special Colette bird. The envelopes were sewn shut. That dazzles me. Sewing on paper. Wow. It also intimidates me. Someday I will try but for now I will appreciate this gift and its sewing. Thank you so much, sweet Colette.
This lovely tag comes from Karin Arguirre of Creative Chaos. She write the funniest blog and creates the most beautiful paper art. I order beautiful roses from her (I hope she never runs out) and she sent this lovely tag as a gift. I have a thing for tags and hers are some of the best I have seen. Lots of gorgeous detail and a romantic feel. I love it, Karin. My deep thanks.
That is all for today but I have more that I will continue to share. In between, I will share some of the things I am making. I have been rather stymied since Jud has been diagnosed and not able to do much but my muse seems to be coming back and helping me out. Thank you to my muse, too, whoever she is. I certainly can tell if she is here or if she is gone and I am happy to have her return, even just a little!