Sunday, February 12, 2012

We're home...

We had such a comforting time in Mesa. There is nothing like being surrounded by loving family. Jud had a chance to have some good hugs with both of his sisters, Jan and Joan...

...and his parents, Kay and Du.

He and Dad even enjoyed a little cribbage...

Mom did her wonderful home cooking...

...and entertained our dear friends, the Hallbergs.

We enjoyed the sunsets, this one had a heart ("X")....

...that shone on our niece, Dani, and her partner, Pat. 

These were the wonderful moments. There were some hard ones, too. Much of the time, Jud was very sick. At one point in time, we considered going home early. He was not able to eat and was only tolerating clear liquids. He had a lot of pain and nausea. With the advice of hospice back in Minnesota, we got him home at the end of the week. We are glad we went...and we are glad we are home. We have had a very good meeting with hospice and have two scheduled for this week. Our team is kind and they are direct. We feel very blessed. This is just another part of our journey. It is a hard and sad one but also one of deep meaning and a feeling of tremendous Love. 

For now, we are glad to be home in our own beds...

...and the fuzzybutts could not be more happy, too. 


  1. I am so glad you were able to travel and Jud got to spend time with the family.

    I continue to keep you all in my prayers daily.

    Love to you both and the Fuzzy Butts!

  2. Dear Suz, I`m so happy for you both you were able to spend time with Jud`s family, and I know it have been so hard in every thinkable way,-but also filled with love .
    I hope for you to spend many good long dayes at home before Jud have to moove to the hospice- --you are a wonderful strong woman dear Suz,- I send you both warm thoughts and blessings.

  3. Oh Suz, I'm so happy to hear that you and Jud are home. It looks like you had a nice visit and got some well deserved hugs. You two are amazing and such an inspiration to everyone.
    P.S. Those fuzzybutts are adorable!

  4. are your fuzzbutts malteses? that is what we had before spirit...xo...glad you had a good visit and are home safe & sound...

  5. Oh heart is full for you both. I am so glad you were able to have time with your family and friends, but I know it must feel so good to be home. I am sure the hospice team will help Jud to feel more comfortable...they really are special people. Sending loving thoughts...XO

  6. Dearest sorry it's so hard. I'm so glad you had such a lovely visit with family and friends, though--what a blessing! Jud is such a trooper!

    Keeping you in my prayers, wishing you joy and peace, love and comfort, dear friend...I know you have the faith to know who to turn to...

    Much love to you...


  7. Suz, so glad to hear that you are both home. So glad you had the time with dear family and friends. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. So happy you all got to visit with your family and dear friends! But the saying goes there is nothing like HOME! You all are in good hands with Hospice. They are wonderful and make the days ahead so much easier for everyone! You all are in our hearts and prayers in the coming days!

  9. I forgot to answer your question..........Colette is coming in May to Oklahoma City!

  10. Oh! The pictures were so glad you are home and surrounded by all of what you love. Loved seeing Jud with his dad...made me tear up. Oh! and Jud's mom and cooking! All is grace and as I watch the sunset tonight out our back window, I am praying for all of you. May He hold all of you, our Lord, these next few weeks...hugs(())

  11. hi suz. I'm so very glad Juds been able to visit with family. I imagine that it was a very bittersweet visit. Im glad youre home now and can relax with your fuzzybutts. Im sending up daily prayers for you all. love, comfort and joy ♥

  12. Prayers and love for you and Jud!!!! The fuzzy butts are adorable....

  13. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you all.

  14. Looks like you filled up as much as possible with comforting hugs and much love.....I am so sorry Jud has bouts of suffering. What a brave both are Suz. xo

  15. Suz, I'm so glad you had a chance to spend some precious time with your family and friends.
    Wish jud had felt better though.
    Sending my continued Love and prayers to you both.
    Hugs Lynn

  16. I'm so pleased you were able to share this wonderful family time together, your photos are so special. My heart goes out to you all, hugs Mx

  17. I´m so glad you had a good time Suz - as good as it could be and happy to hear you´re having arrangement with the hospice. That´s a good thing.
    Sending prayers and hugs
    xo Tina

  18. You and Jud are in my prayers. You have a shining and brave spirit. Hugs!

  19. Welcome home you two!!
    Big Hugs!


  20. Suz, I can't imagine what you are going through. Since my husband went so quickly (from an aortic dissection), sometimes I'm actually jealous of this time you and Jud have together. But then other times I think it must be so hard for you to watch Jud go through the pain and I'm so grateful that Mark went quickly. Who knows why we go through the things we do? Just know that although I only know you through your comments on my blog, you and Jud are in my prayers.

  21. Hi Suz, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  22. After travel it is nice to come home in your own little nest. Blessings to you both Suz.

  23. Oh Sweet Friend...

    The love of family & friends is really what keeps us going isn't it. I'm so glad that you & Jud were able to make this trip & the skies looked like they were shining down their LOVE on all of you.

    I wish I could hold you. I wish I could comfort you. I wish I could share this pain with you, for I know it well. But I also know the joy of simply holding a loved one's hand as they find their way down this path, to the place where angels sing. I know it sounds strange, but for me...there is magic & wonder in that too.

    When I found this quote, I thought about it long & hard.
    That it shall never come again is what make's life so sweet...

    Yes it truly does, for all of us. Sometimes bittersweet, but for me always SWEET.

    A tight armed hug to you Suz & a hand on your shoulder, even if you can't feel it.

    Love & prayers to both you & Jud,


  24. your photos and words are so full of Love dear Suz...thank you for sharing your Light and Love so freely!

    Love you and continue to hold each of you very close to my heart!

  25. I woke up thinking of you both.........and intermittently, throughout the day, you would come to the forefront of my thoughts and I would turn and look at the photos of you and Jud..........sending love on the wings of angels to you, dear ones.
    xoxox Rella

  26. Suz~
    I think of your family so often. You are in my prayers always. Love to you all.

  27. Thinking of you guys on this beautiful day today. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. Sending big hug to you both......I'm thinking of you always. When you get a chance Suz can you email me your address? Thanks! Karin

  29. Dear Suz,
    Sending big (((hugs))) to you and Jud....and praying for you, my friend.

  30. Always praying, always asking, always thinking of all of you.

  31. Hi Suz~
    I don't know if you got my email. I have more than one address and I may have used the wrong one. I am glad that you and Jud had the time with his family in Arizona. You needed that and they did too. This is not an easy road you are on now but I hope you know that you are never alone. It's OK to lean on the God that will see you through whatever comes. Your friends are holding you close in thought and prayer.
    Could you please email me your address. Thank you.
